Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hills and the End of the Academic Year

Well, classes are over and we are in finals at UNI. That made our favorite hill on Walnut street a little less predictable than usual in terms of traffic. For me it was sort of a physical and mental workout where you had to be watching as you were exerting. We did 5 on Walnut Street and then, actually I only did 4 I had a flat and had to catch up after I got it changed. Then we moved over to Lookout hill and did 12x30 second more. Here is a link to my training data for today: Tuesday's workout

In between meetings and everything else today I finally got the foam core for my bike frame on the jig! Now I have a bunch of fixed attachment points so the places where I need to do some more straightening and fairing are really obvious. So far so Good!

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