Thursday, May 14, 2009

Numerically Challenged I am

Today's workout plan was a set of pyramid intervals. 10 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, 20 on, 20 rest, continuing up to 1 minute on and one minute rest; then back down. Wow I cannot keep very good track of numbers to start off with and it seems to get worse when not enough oxygen is getting to my brain. The heart rate data from Thursday's workout should have been a nice progression up and down, but it looks like I got pretty confused! Oh well, it felt pretty good, and was a lot more fun than shingling (and it did not take nearly as long either!)

On a completely different note, I went out and found some morels this afternoon and dropped some off for my friend John this evening. Too funny-- he had 4 nice big ones growing right by his front door!

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