Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Great Weekend to Shingle--NOT

Well this would have been a great weekend to ride. The weather was great, the wind was calm, It could have been a great weekend for a nice long ride or two. Instead I focused on strength training and my quads are a little sore to show for it. Carrying those bundles of shingles up and down the ladder, and doing those isometric exercises on un-level surfaces while I ran the nail gun re-shingling the garage roof was my training this past weekend. Currently the shingle score stands: one garage re-roofed and one house to go. The house is bigger and is going to be a lot more exercise on account of the steep roof!

I did get a little time in on a metal lathe turning the cones I needed to complete the fixtures for the bike jig I am making. It is just about ready to go. I just have a a little more truing and aligning and then I should be able to attach the foam core on the jig.

Kaia came down to CF with me this week, and I convinced her to go for an easy ride with me. We went north of Blackhawk Park. She was a very good sport considering there still are a few places where the water has not gone down enough to cross on dry land.

1 comment:

  1. The best day of shingling is the day you watch the folks you hired to put down the shingles.
    Good riding today. You are certainly getting stronger on the hills.
